Ready to wow your love with a salad designed and tailored in your kitchen?
I love to prepare a special meal and put a personal touch on holidays for my special someone. I’ve always been a very sentimental person, so putting thought in for quality time is vital.
If you’re looking for a divine salad to accompany a steak, chicken, or fish entrée this Valentine’s Day, may I suggest this Wine-Poached Pear Salad?
½ cup sugar of choice (I use Stevia)
1 large piece of orange peel
8 to 10 whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon
2 cups red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot best)
½ cup water or orange juice
2 tsp vanilla extract
½ cup raspberries (for extra Vday vibe)
3-6 medium-sized Bosc or Bartlett pears
Spring mix (or desired lettuce base)
Feta (or your preferred crumbled cheese)
Mix all liquids and spices together in large pot
Peel pears last so they don’t darken
Place pears gently in liquid
Place pot on stove; bring to boil
Simmer 20 to 25 minutes, carefully turning pears mid-way to ensure red/pink color is consistent on both sides of fruit.
Remove from stove.
Remove pears from liquid. Reserve liquid. Let cool.
Slice pears in half and gently remove center cores.
Place on paper-towel lined plate, cover, and store in refrigerator.
Put reserved poaching liquid in refrigerator.
When ready to serve, arrange salad greens on a platter. Slice pears and arrange on top of greens. Place raspberries around edge of salad.
Drizzle some of the poaching liquid on top of salad (serve rest on side).
Sprinkle/crumble feta on top and also top with Cinnamon-Spiced Pecans (recipe below) before serving.

Low-Sugar Cinnamon-Spiced Pecans
1 pound large pecan halves
½ cup sugar substitute
½ teaspoon salt
1 egg white
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
In small bowl, combine sugar, cinnamon and salt.
In large bowl, lightly beat egg white, then add pecans, folding in until thoroughly coated.
Mix sugar mixture into pecan bowl, stir well to ensure all coated nicely.
Spread out evenly on greased or parchment paper-lined baking sheet.
Bake on 300 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes, flipping half way through.
Allow time to cool before storing in Ziploc baggies or sealed container.
Special note: The pears can be poached and refrigerated up to 2 days before serving. The spiced pecans can be made and stored in a tightly-sealed container up to one week in advance. This allows for quick assembly on your special day!
Happy early Valentine’s Day to you all!
Remember to spread the love today and every day.