Food + nutrition

Is IV therapy worth it?

Is IV therapy worth it?

Is IV therapy worth it? Don’t worry, I’m going to give you my honest opinion. Why did I venture down the IV therapy path? I had a couple bad nights of sleep. I had a lot of travel coming up.  Plain and simple, I was just feeling worn down. Are you feeling that way...

The ABC’s of digestion

The ABC’s of digestion

Upon a recent holiday in the UK, I embraced their widely accessible “digestive aids” encouraged to aid the human body’s digestive tract. Every which way I turned, there was a digestive aid beverage being offered. This piqued my curiosity as well as made me smile. I...

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Why I say ‘yes’ to probiotics

Why I say ‘yes’ to probiotics

The word probiotic is derived from Latin, meaning ‘for life.’ “The history of probiotics goes parallel with the evolution of human race and, thanks to the sophisticated techniques at the moment, can be traced back to the ancient times, nearly 10,000 years ago.”* One...

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