Whose role model are you?

Role model admiration never stops. Even as adults we watch the actions, emotions, responses of whomever we deem as our ‘role models.’ 

Role models can be present in our life from birth or new ones may come and go as we make our way through the seasons of life. Psychological triggers from childhood may take you back to someone you were aware of and influenced you, whether in a positive or concerning light. 

Recall when I spoke about taking off our masks and being our real, true, authentic selves? We continue to be shaped as the clock ticks and we become more mature.

Being a role model, whether you know you’re looked as one or not, is not a role to be taken lightly. Perhaps your newborn idolizes your neighbor’s 5-year-old. My parents have always served as my main role models. My grandparents who have passed also hold a special place in the role model realm. The way each of these individuals “led” has been imprinted on me. 

It’s one of my greatest hopes that I can be the best I can be, for me. For those I influence. For those who may look at me as a role model.    

For example, I recently witnessed a loved one experience a significant inconvenience. It was something relatively out of their control. Their response kind of surprised me – not because of their personality, but how most would have responded. They had the mindset (and associated actions) that they would do whatever they could and if they gave it their all, it was the best they could do. This person didn’t get in a foul mood or blame others. It was just like releasing what was out of her control. 

Makes logical sense, but still not the normal response to the set of circumstances. And you know what? By right around the 72-hour point all was resolved, the inconvenience flipped on its head and all was good. She didn’t get so riled up and cause her blood pressure to skyrocket, lose sleep over it, or shift the blame or bad mood onto those around her.

On the flip side, I have witnessed adults who give up on a path, constantly complain, and kind of have the ‘poor me’ syndrome in all regards. Their children are following in step. Sure, it’d be a lot easier if things were just handed to us. If we hit the green light at all the stoplights so to speak. But that’s not how life is. Whether or not people show the ‘real’ them and by appearances all is sunshine and lollipops, they mustered through some tough scenarios. There are stop and goes all the way to the freeway.

It’s not easy, but by setting a good example, doing the right thing (when no one is looking), and focusing on your accomplishments and persevering through those times can serve your highest good too!

Whether it’s picking up after your dog, saying ‘thank you’ to the grocery store cashier, or scheduling a procedure for a medical condition you have – you’re showing those who watch you that you care about yourself, others, and the environment.

A role model could be your doctor – if they’ve really listened to your concerns, medical conditions, and show true care about your health.

It could be neighbors who live three doors down and how they demonstrate kindness to everyone on the block, always waving ‘hi’ as you pass by their home in your car.

Perhaps our role model is a certain business speaker who seems to hit the nail on the head each time about making decisions on investing.  

Think about who might be looking at you as a role model. Think about how you can be an ever more positive role model. It can bring a great deal of inner satisfaction to know that you are leading by example.

And remember, it’s not about the accolades. It feels good to do good.


Coming next:  Sleep and migraine: Friend and enemy?

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