Am I in a toxic relationship? Know the signs.

Jaime Bronstein, Licensed Relationship Therapist and Author of “MAN*ifesting: A Step-By-Step Guide to Attracting The Love That’s Meant for You,” shares relationship advice that everyone can benefit from.  She has been named USA #1 Relationship Coach by Yahoo.

Is this a glaring red flag in your relationship?

“Name calling is very toxic,” Bronstein kicks off with.

Why is name-calling toxic?

“It should never exist” in a relationship because “it is hurtful. You can’t take it back. Whatever you say, ‘you didn’t mean it,’ ‘you meant it.’”

Name-calling falls under “judgment,” which is a leading sign of toxicity in a relationship.

What else is toxic in a relationship?

“Contempt and resentment,” she continues.

“Not feeling prioritized, which seems like it’s not a big deal, but it is.”

You and your significant other should cultivate and sustain a healthy, loving relationship.

“Games—the back-and-forth of making each other jealous.”  Bronstein explains that couples’ games are a bad cycle.

Why is there drama in relationships?

“Probably because they grew up with it. It feels like home to them” when there is drama.  Bronstein underscored its prevalence in society. “So many people crave drama.”

If you are enduring the heat of a toxic relationship, you’re likely questioning yourself:

What is wrong with me?

How can I change to make my significant other happier with me and less mad at me?

Is this healthy?

Am I crazy?

I encourage you to stop right there.

Or if you’ve convinced yourself (or your partner has) that “this is what all relationships are like…”

They are not.

There are healthy, viable, stable relationships in society.  You are capable and worthy of love and having a healthy, happy, non-toxic relationship.

Understanding and applying guidance provided and fostered through Bronstein’s 20 years of experience can benefit your personal life in spades.

Watch for more from Jaime Bronstein, LCSW in the coming weeks.

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