Yasso – is a “YES,” “OH!”

Most everyone loves sweet treats, but it’s best to make it healthy, and bite-size.

Let me introduce my latest discovery that is perfect for summertime, your whole family, to satisfy pregnancy cravings, and an easy option when you have friends over.

Yasso is a dessert brand that specializes in tasty snacks made from Greek yogurt. My current obsession is Yasso’s vanilla bean poppables.

Let it be known that as a kid my favorite movie theater treats were ice cream bons bons.  So it really feels like a full circle moment.

Yasso has quite an offering. The brand features bars, sandwiches, and poppables in all sorts of flavors ranging from vanilla, strawberries + cream, chocolate chip cookie dough, mint chocolate chip, sea salt caramel…

If you’re watching your waistline, are pregnant, or searching for a cool, healthy treat for your kids, this is exactly what you need in your life and your freezer!

3 reasons why I always have Yasso dessert in my freezer:

#1 – The taste is incredible!

(As a friend said recently on vacation – there’s no way these are healthy… yes, yes they are!)

#2 – They are satisfying with great nutritional facts:

35 calories per “poppable”

4 carbs

Made with Greek yogurt

Dipped in a chocolate, crunchy, quinoa-crispy shell!

No artificial sweeteners

#3 – And best yet?  They can be enjoyed at any time during the day.

Sweeten up your life, but make it Yasso.

Check out Yasso’s delicious frozen offerings here: https://www.yasso.com/home.html.

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