
How to fire your doctor in 3 easy steps

How to fire your doctor in 3 easy steps

I’ve fired doctors in order to improve my health. I wanted doctors who care. I wanted the best professional team in my health circle. Why have I fired doctors?  To get solutions, feel healthier and improve health conditions. Plain and simple, certain doctors I’ve had...

Health is my #1 priority – Is it yours?

Health is my #1 priority – Is it yours?

If I told you how at one time in my life, in the span of a single month, the number of emergencies, life events, and situations that required fast action on my part, an extra dose of hope, and unconditional love and support, your head would spin. If you’ve ever felt...

Impact of miscarriage multi-faceted

Impact of miscarriage multi-faceted

It’s amazing to learn that as many as 40% of women trying to conceive end up having a miscarriage; in some cases, more than one. It’s very common, but not commonly discussed. “Loss of pregnancy still remains a heavily stigmatized taboo subject, and its impact on a...

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