How will I feel after a lymphatic drainage massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage may be the key to improved health.  It is a multi-sided technique.

Curious how you will feel after a lymphatic drainage massage?

First off – let’s dive into the basics with expert Sabrina Sweet (aka Miss Lymph):

  • “Your lymph system is your immune system.”
  • “The biggest benefit of a lymphatic drainage massage is it is known for boosting the immune system.”

We can all use a little boost, right?

  • “When you have a clean lymph, you have a healthy body.”

Put simply, “you can’t really have one without the other.”

As a woman, it’s important to remember that there is a cycle when it comes to gut health, hormones and the lymphatic system.

Post-lymphatic drainage massage, “everyone is different” in how they feel.

What determines how you will feel after the massage?

“It depends on what that person is holding onto or carrying and what they allow their body to release,” Sweet states.

Mindfulness remains a vital daily practice to maintain a healthy mind and body.

Some of her clients “can go run a marathon right after, while others feel their stomach is in knots for the first day.”

Reminder: “What we put into our body is what comes out.”  That ranges from food – emotions – alcohol…”

“A truly, really good and healthy person is going to have a really good lymph drain” through this massage, Sweet explains.


What is a good drain in a lymphatic drainage massage?

Sweet details them out:

1 – You are going to drain quickly

2 – You will keep peeing

3 – You will be sweating

4 – You will feel really energized and good after

Why do you not feel well after a lymphatic drainage massage?


  • You’re holding onto trauma
  • Drinking a lot of alcohol
  • Ingesting unhealthy foods

What bad symptoms may be experienced after lymphatic drainage?

She explains:

  • Headaches
  • Dehydration
  • Lethargy
  • Really bad stomach pains

From Sweet’s experience the #1 thing that holds the most in the body is stress – trauma – emotions.

Those are necessary to address first.  Once you learn healthy ways to release those “you’re most likely going to find changes in your body,” Sweet states.  Healthy changes.

There is so much relief after releasing toxicity, trauma, and long-lasting negative emotions.

Sweet finds that most clients “learn their body and how it feels after starting lymphatic drainage massage.”  They know when their lymph’s are blocked and when it’s time to schedule.

Most clients can benefit from a massage every 4 to 6 weeks.

“Once a month is good for keeping your body healthy and releasing what is there before adding on more,” she concludes.

You’re focused on achieving a healthier body?  Along with releasing toxic friendships, relationships and health behaviors – why not remove the toxicity from your body via a lymphatic drainage massage?

Sabrina Sweet is a California native who has always been passionate about health and wellness.  She is dedicated to learning everything and anything about lymphatic drainage while helping individuals achieve better health.  Sweet has a special interest in continuing to educate individuals on the importance of this type of massage. 

More info and bookings with Sweet can be found here:

Watch for more from Sabrina Sweet in the coming weeks.

This website does not provide medical advice. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only.  Always seek the advice of a medical professional or other qualified health care provider on any health matter or question.


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