Think you can focus on achieving a healthier body without paying attention to your mouth?
Think again.
Dr. Clayton Cooke, DDS, a notable expert in Southern California, said, “The link between good dental health and a person’s overall physical health is immense.”
“Existing medical conditions are important in developing [dental] treatment plans for our patients,” he said. “Best possible care for patients and their overall health – medical and dental – is our goal.”
What should a first visit entail?
- Determine the health of all gum tissue
- Assess the condition of each tooth
- Conduct a screening for oral cancer
- Gauge the acidic level in the mouth
- Examine the individual’s bite
- Evaluate the mechanics of the jaw function
Gum inflammation and treacherous bacteria
“The primary harmful bacteria found in the mouth is streptococcus mutans,” Cooke said. “Uncontrolled, this can wreak dangerous destruction.”
A heart-to-heart matter
“The bacteria found in inflamed gums can enter the bloodstream and travel to arteries in the heart,” Dr. Cooke advised. “This can lead to hardening of the arteries, thereby increasing risk of heart attack or stroke. The inner lining of the heart can also become infected and inflamed, a condition known as endocarditis.”
Memory health
“This same bacteria can also travel via the bloodstream or nerve channels to the head,” he added. “University research has noted this can lead to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.”
Good dental care is not for vanity purposes, it’s for the sake of your health.
Respiratory issues
“Gum disease can also lead to lung infection, including pneumonia,” according to the Journal of Periodontology.
Do you really want to constantly breathe in bacteria?
Pain, pain, go away
Experiencing discomfort when you bite? Have jaw pain? Never-ending headaches?
“The bite, if not aligned properly, can lead to unusual wear and tear of the teeth,” Dr. Cooke said. “Signs of jaw dysfunction can include: clicking or popping sounds while chewing; myofascial pain or tenderness; headaches; and even earaches.”
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ) is not a rare condition, it affects over 20% of the population.
Elevated acidity levels in the mouth
How a patient’s teeth are aging can reflect whether or not the individual’s mouth has a high acidic level. “Acid in the mouth destroys teeth,” explained Dr. Cooke. Dietary changes may be recommended in order to reduce acid. “For instance, eating fruit is good, but eating citrus fruit alone can be a problem.”
Instead, lean towards consuming protein-rich foods.
Medications and their effects
Quite a few medications cause dry mouth. Think it’s no big deal? Dr. Cooke said, “A dry mouth leads to a higher incidence of cavities and the breakdown of a patient’s teeth and pre-existing restorations.”
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