The #1 thing to do before going exclusive with someone

They drive a nice car? They are tall? They want kids? They want to just travel the world? You could save money and live together?

Do you know what The Relationship Expert says is the #1 thing to do before going exclusive with someone?

That’s moving past the talking, dating stage, to the ‘real deal’ stage, we are official and exclusive?

It is “do you feel peace in your heart?”

Jaime Bronstein, a licensed relationship therapist, admits it is “the more cheesy romantic way of saying it, but what that means is I think there is so much chaos going on in the mind and heart when dating that, when the chaos goes away, you can just feel that it ‘feels right.’”

Bronstein doubles down and states, “You don’t have doubts.”

I think this is so true. I 100% believe this.

Bronstein reaffirms that when it comes to getting into a relationship, “I honestly think if it’s not a ‘hell yes,’ then it’s a ‘hell no.’”

“When you know in your heart that you can’t live without this person.”

So, how do you remove the chaos and learn to listen to your heart?

You should “always trust your intuition. It’s life-changing.”

If you don’t have a connection with your inner self, now is a great time to start.

“Cultivate that connection with yourself.  Because you always know the right answer for you” she says.

She encourages individuals to go on a few dates because “you usually know right away [if it’s your person].”

When you find the one for you, “you don’t need to go on 10 dates, and you don’t have to ask a million people what to do.”

When you step away from the chaos in your own head, and chaos in anyone else’s that you may be asking advice from (which you don’t really know if they have your best intentions at heart), you can truly feel and know what relationship is the right one for you.

As Bronstein concludes, “cultivating that connection with yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself.”

Jaime Bronstein, Licensed Relationship Therapist and Author of “MAN*ifesting: A Step-By-Step Guide to Attracting The Love That’s Meant for You.

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