We all have a health journey; here’s mine

The point in our lives which our health requires immediate, unwavering attention can result in fear and confusion.

Whether you’ve been dealing with serious health issues since birth, your teens, at the half century of life point, or you’re in your 40’s and beyond I think we can all agree:

The state of our health is unpredictable. 

And each of our journeys are different. Here’s a bit about mine:

I became a statistic in 2014 when I was diagnosed with meningitis. To clarify, I was misdiagnosed on my first trip to the Emergency Room (ER). I knew in my gut something was severely wrong, so I returned a second time to the ER the following day. I learned misdiagnoses happen frequently in health.

I was scared. I was in severe, debilitating pain. I was denied a neurologist.

It was the biggest health issue I had ever had and my care was inadequate.

The silver lining? It propelled me forward. It taught me to be my own unwavering, best advocate. In other words, it has made me the best version of myself.

It gave me strength, inspiration, and dedication to my health. Not only for myself, but for others – my family, friends, co-workers, you.

The hand of cards dealt to me during the first few months post-discharge from the hospital could have never predicted the health-minded individual I am today.

What did I do? 

  • I fired my doctor (who refused to send me to a neurologist even though I could barely shower or get off the floor of my bedroom due to severe headaches, sensitivity to light – photophobia, and sensitivity to sound – hyperacusis)
  • I disclosed my state of health to my employer (and asked for help to make it all work with work + life)
  • I didn’t give up
  • I researched a new medical group, doctors
  • I worked cohesively with them regarding possible solutions and treatment options
  • I showed up to every appointment, every lab test, imaging appointment… everything under the sun

What happened next?

  • I worked myself into an excellent medical group / primary care doctor, which led me to my neurologist who has changed my life – actually – given me my life back
  • My health quality of life went from a 1 to a 7 within a year of his care. It’s now much higher than that. We worked together and developed the right treatment plan for me. I stayed consistent with what he told me to do. I did my part outside of the medical office


Why am I sharing this?

  • Because I know I’m not alone
  • I know firsthand not all doctors have our best interest at heart
  • I know there are solutions, treatments, and doctors who do care
  • I want you to achieve a healthier body
  • I hope you take action to improve your health because it folds into your level of happiness
  • I encourage you to call your insurance plan, medical group, and utilize the Internet for more research to find the right health fit for you
  • While it is not easy and requires time and effort – it is so worth it

This website does not provide medical advice. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only.  Always seek the advice of a medical professional or other qualified health care provider on any health matter or question.

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