Why I work out at home and why you should too

Is it possible to solely work out at home and find your best self?

I believe there is a misconception as to the way you have to go about achieving your health and fitness goals.  I feel this way given the plethora of nutrition / exercise ads streaming on all platforms, push to ‘get into the gym’, and of course, spending money each which way.  I don’t think ALL of that is necessary to get where you want to be.  It’s much simpler than that.

Eating whole foods, exercising at home, and carving out time for self-care offers the same results in my experience.

For years I thought I had to go to a busy gym to achieve my fitness goals.  

I thought that was the key to a healthier body. But, I was wrong.  I now solely work out at home.

The silver lining of all those daily gym visits?

I took dozens of classes, worked out with respected personal trainers and learned what worked for my body.

I learned form and proper technique in:
 Mat Pilates
 Spin
 Yoga
 Meditation
 Full body boot camp
 Cardio-based workouts
 Creating a workout using weights

I’ve transformed my exercise routine, adapted my healthy lifestyle and realigned with my priorities to fully work out at home.

I am happier, healthier, and end up getting in little snippets of workouts 2 to 3 times a day. I’m not spending three hours working out. I workout for 6 minutes here, 17 minutes there or stretching a few minutes before it’s  bedtime.

Join me in folding in a workout while you prep dinner, while catching up with your Dad on the phone, or when you’re bored.

In addition to my daily Pilates, I have been enjoying filtering in various online workout programs that focus on sculpting and mindfulness.

Why do I like incorporating instructor-led virtual classes?

They are:

• Challenging
• Incorporating exercise movements that I don’t regularly do or forgot about
• Enjoyable
• Inspire me to take one more video after the initial one

A workout that makes you feel so good that you want more! From “quick abs” to “feel the burn Pilates,” I choose whatever I’m in the mood for.

I’ve been into working out in my lounge clothes for a few years now. I have no complaints!

I love being comfortable while I achieve a healthier body. I love spending time in the same room as my family while I work out.

When you work out at home, the focus stays on moving your body to optimal health – not the outside noise.

Because, let’s be honest, most gyms have a lot of extra chatting going on, people getting in full makeup to work out, and involve extra expenses, like gas, parking and a steep monthly membership.

Me, my Stakt Mat and Weights are happy as can be mindfully moving at home. Working out at home provides more balance in my life.

I can dedicate my time to all the loves in my life and things I love.

Why not make the time to move mindfully on your own time – at home?


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