Why Kefir?

I was first introduced to Kefir back in 2018 as part of a healthy eating regimen to complement my exercise training program.

I enjoyed it, looked forward to a small glass each evening, but never really dove fully into the why…

So… why Kefir?

Kefir is a “latest discovery” because I want to share my personal experience and the benefits of adding Kefir to your eating plan.

Fast forward from 2018 to a period of time where I was trying to mitigate nausea I was experiencing, I thought Kefir might do the trick.  It did!  Just a little bit goes a long way.  Not only did it calm my symptoms, but was satisfying, albeit unique.

Does Kefir taste good?

Kefir is surely an acquired taste.  As you likely know about me by now, I tend to opt for the simpler flavors, a.k.a. natural or more plain ones.  That’s why I purchase plain, unsweetened Kefir. While many flavor options are available, sugar levels are inevitably higher in anything but plain.

I like to fill my daily nutritional plate from various sources so I save the “extra sugar” for fresh fruit or a sweet treat at the end of the day.

What is Kefir?

“Kefir is a fermented milk produced from grains that comprise a specific and complex mixture of bacteria and yeasts that live in a symbiotic association.”*

Did you know that Kefir grains look similar to cauliflower?

“Kefir can be produced from whole, semi-skimmed or skimmed pasteurized cow, goat, sheep, camel or buffalo milk.”* Yet the most common is from cows’ milk.

Let’s understand the “first days” of Kefir.

“Kefir has its origin in the Caucasus, Tibetan or Mongolian mountains, where before 2000 years BC the grains were already being traditionally passed from generation to generation among the Caucasus tribes, being considered a source of family wealth.”*

What are the health benefits of Kefir?

Studies have shown its anti-inflammatory effect is helpful, it improves digestion, has an anti-hypertensive effect, and includes healing effects, antibacterial effects…

From what I’ve read and experienced, it’s a great supplement to your overall health.

Just how mainstream is Kefir, when it comes to benefiting individuals’ health?

“In Russia, USA, Japan and Central and Northern Europe, Kefir has been used in the control of many diseases due to its nutritional and therapeutic aspects.”*

Whether it be to help prevent and control obesity (Japan) or to reduce the risk of chronic disease, hypertension, allergies, gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders, it is clear that kefir offers wide-ranging benefits.

In an analysis with thirteen trials, which included “participants with high, borderline high and normal cholesterol levels…the consumption of probiotic dairy products was able to lower serum cholesterol, LDL cholesterol.”*

In my opinion, Kefir offers calories that matter.  I find it a powerhouse. The research is strong to support it.

Are you a fan of Kefir? What brands do you think are best? Send me a message here sharing your experience!

I’ve been enjoying Lifeway Kefir as of late.



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