
Your honest source in health for all stages of life. Facts directly from experts worldwide, providing a wealth of knowledge, and tried-and-true solutions.
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Meet Shelby

An honest health journalist – focused on the facts, not influenced by trends or swayed by big pharma. My goal is to give you peace of mind. I’ll ask the tough health questions, the embarrassing ones, and find out the honest truth.

Featuring experts from:


5 expert tips from Harvard to lower risk for chronic disease

Have you been diagnosed with diabetes? According to the 2021 statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 38.1 million adults in the US have been diagnosed.  We can safely assume prevalence is higher today. If not diagnosed with diabetes, have you been told...

The truth about first trimester fatigue

Once you get a positive pregnancy test, nothing will quite prepare you for the fatigue that is about to take over your body and mind. Be aware, the level of fatigue you experience is highly individual. Johns Hopkins Medicine* is always one of my trusted sources when...

The truth about diastasis rectus abdominis

A healthy pregnancy, a sustainable pregnancy, a fit pregnancy, a pregnancy without complications… what does your pregnancy “wish list” look like? Becoming pregnant and maintaining a pregnancy can be tedious in itself. But once you get into the thick of pregnancy and...


How will I feel after a lymphatic drainage massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage may be the key to improved health.  It is a multi-sided technique. Curious how you will feel after a lymphatic drainage massage? First off – let’s dive into the basics with expert Sabrina Sweet (aka Miss Lymph): “Your lymph system is your...

Remove toxicity from your body with lymphatic drainage massage

Are you ready to remove toxicity from your body? Sabrina Sweet explains that “the lymph system is very superficial to our body” as its right underneath the skin. Did you know that you can remove toxicity from your body with lymphatic drainage massage? One of the...


What can I do to improve my sleep?

You’ve read books, Googled all things sleep-related, asked friends and family for their “secret” … but Dr. Michael Breus, PhD, shares the fact of the matter. “If you wake up at the same time 7 days a week - that will fix like 60% of what’s going on with most people.”...

How can I sleep better?

Research and the resulting hard facts found to influence sleep and improve quality of life are now available. One of the most important facts you need to know is: Your optimal sleep schedule is ruled by genetics. It’s a static answer across the board – for all...

What is REM sleep vs. deep sleep?

When in doubt, ask an expert.  Dr. Michael Breus, PhD, simplifies and differentiates REM sleep vs. deep sleep for us. REM sleep = Mental restoration   Deep sleep = Physical restoration   REM sleep is imperative because of its mental restoration benefits....


How to give up coffee in 3 easy steps

Are you fueled by caffeine?  Do you reach for one cup after another? Here is a simple, fool proof method to give up coffee in just 3 steps! If you are still feeling sluggish post-coffee, finding your morning routine mediocre, or simply wanting to make healthier...

I’ve tried almost every diet; here’s what I want you to know

What diets have I tried? I kid you not, nearly all of them over the past several years. After trying so many diets, here is what I want you to know. Low-fat, high-protein, keto, paleo, vegan, the ‘Eat 600 calories or less a day’, Atkins, Mediterranean, juice cleanses,...

Is IV therapy worth it?

Is IV therapy worth it? Don’t worry, I’m going to give you my honest opinion. Why did I venture down the IV therapy path? I had a couple bad nights of sleep. I had a lot of travel coming up.  Plain and simple, I was just feeling worn down. Are you feeling that way...


What should I look for in a personal trainer?

You are ready to invest your time, money, and physical effort into hiring a personal trainer.  One of the most important decisions to make is the initial one – hiring a personal trainer. Over the course of my life, I have had three personal trainers, each at a...

The benefits of Pilates during pregnancy

I’ve practiced mat Pilates since 2018. The benefits are endless, both physically and mentally. “Internationally, Pilates is considered a major exercise for improving physical, psychological, and motor functions.”* When I became pregnant, it was important to me to...

How to unlock your best health

Strike “it’s all luck.” Highlight effort. Gravitate towards selecting balanced choices. Fantastic health is not something everyone can achieve. Tricky health diagnoses strike. Whether us, a friend, or a loved one, we will experience chronic illness and disease in our...


The #1 thing to do before going exclusive with someone

They drive a nice car? They are tall? They want kids? They want to just travel the world? You could save money and live together? Do you know what The Relationship Expert says is the #1 thing to do before going exclusive with someone? That’s moving past the talking,...

Am I in a toxic relationship? Know the signs.

Jaime Bronstein, Licensed Relationship Therapist and Author of "MAN*ifesting: A Step-By-Step Guide to Attracting The Love That’s Meant for You,” shares relationship advice that everyone can benefit from.  She has been named USA #1 Relationship Coach by Yahoo. Is this...

We all have a health journey; here’s mine

The point in our lives which our health requires immediate, unwavering attention can result in fear and confusion. Whether you’ve been dealing with serious health issues since birth, your teens, at the half century of life point, or you’re in your 40’s and beyond I...

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