The truth about first trimester fatigue

Once you get a positive pregnancy test, nothing will quite prepare you for the fatigue that is about to take over your body and mind.

Be aware, the level of fatigue you experience is highly individual.

Johns Hopkins Medicine* is always one of my trusted sources when it comes to health.

It explains some of the causes of pregnancy fatigue: “Hormone changes…, blood volume increases…, your heart is pumping faster and stronger…”*

Here are my thoughts and tips on pregnancy fatigue:

#1 – It’s okay and normal to feel tired, wiped out, exhausted, and that you MUST be flat on the couch for hours.

Don’t let anybody diminish what you feel or tell you that it isn’t valid. I believe in relationships, friendships, and supportive family that want you to rest, be healthy and safely grow the baby inside of you.

Listen to your body.

How you feel is how you feel. 

Rest. Rest. Rest.

#2 – Prioritize what you truly need to do and wait on the other things.

I am a normally high-energy, fill the day to the brim type of gal, but I came to realize very quickly that pregnancy is not the time period when you need to exert so much energy it results in a hospital visit due to fatigue, dehydration, or placed on bed rest because of your own decision-making.

I get it. We all have things we should do, want to do… but what do you really need to do? There’s a lot less than you think.

Can you put off doing laundry to another day? Is there something in your freezer that is healthy that you can heat for dinner?  Can your partner or a neighbor help you out by picking up items at the grocery store?

More often than not, those who love you want to help you and your growing baby have a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Trust me, I pride myself on accomplishing things. But I certainly wasn’t living that motto during the first trimester. To be honest, I didn’t even recognize my own lack of “doing.” I can’t even think far enough back…. it had been decades since I had done so little.

What did I keep hearing though throughout my first pregnancy? (And thank you to you all…you know who you are.)

“Rest, relax, you’re growing a human and it’s a lot of work in a short 9-month period of time!”

#3 Respect your cravings (find healthy alternatives if you can) and remind yourself that it will level out.

From week 6 to week 17 of my pregnancy I was repulsed by many food and drink items that I used to love, crave, and look forward to each day for the past several years.

It was odd and kind of annoying, but I needed to give my body what it craved, what baby needed, and what made me feel better, not worse.

We are so fortunate how many healthy alternatives there are on the market – from farm stands, grocery stores, fast casual, etc.  If you can have your burger you’re craving wrapped in lettuce, eat half the fries, find a nice dessert option (say, the best Greek yogurt), and make sure you are getting extra water, you will ultimately see the light at the end of the tunnel.

If you are in your first trimester, know that there are so many in similar positions to you!  All that matters is that you have a safe and healthy pregnancy leading up to meeting your sweet little bundle of joy.


This website does not provide medical advice. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only.  Always seek the advice of a medical professional or other qualified health care provider on any health matter or question.

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