Health basics

5 things to keep in mind at your next blood draw

5 things to keep in mind at your next blood draw

I’ve been getting a lot of blood work done lately. So much that maybe I’d qualify for a VIP parking spot at the lab. I think many of us are familiar with the basics of the process and why we get our blood drawn, so this article is dedicated to hopefully sharing some...

Blood draw reveals many secrets of the body

Blood draw reveals many secrets of the body

You are likely familiar with at least a few of the common categories that may be marked on your lab order – white blood cell count, red blood cell count, cholesterol, blood glucose (sugar), etc. What you may not know is that the short amount of time it takes to prick...

Health is my #1 priority – Is it yours?

Health is my #1 priority – Is it yours?

If I told you how at one time in my life, in the span of a single month, the number of emergencies, life events, and situations that required fast action on my part, an extra dose of hope, and unconditional love and support, your head would spin. If you’ve ever felt...

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