
Can a chiropractor help me with migraine?

Can a chiropractor help me with migraine?

With many classifications of migraine, the knowns and unknowns, hereditary link, the one-off in the family, triggers, testing, treatment, and more, many look for new solutions and options to fold into their wellness plan. As a chiropractor, Dr. Mandi McCoy said,...

Is alcohol a friend or foe?

Is alcohol a friend or foe?

This topic can be like diving into the deep end of the pool. It can be a controversial topic, yet that’s not the reason I chose this topic. It’s because alcohol has come up unexpectedly in three separate conversations I’ve been involved in within the past 24 hours....

Clinical trials and the FDA’s role

Clinical trials and the FDA’s role

We hear the term “clinical trials” quite regularly, but what do these entail and who decides whether these newly developed drugs make it to our pharmacies? What is a clinical trial? A clinical trial is essentially a “test drive” on real people who volunteer to...

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