Celebrate the “progress” stage

We are all works in progress, don’t you think?

Day in and day out we are working on:

  • Bettering our health

Have you heard about the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage?

  • Gaining support
  • Processing and continuing to push through tough times

Qualified professionals can help you release trauma, guide you to a healthier mindset and teach you simple techniques to lower stress.  Some techniques include tapping, EMDR, Heart Math

  • Not silently struggling

A great piece to read is “Let the Windy Roads of Stress bring us Together.”

  • In the thick of something serious or in a recovery phase

Experiencing PTSD?  Stanford expert provides must-read insight.

  • Speaking our minds
  • Embracing love, friendship
  • Improving the lives of others
  • Getting more sleep

Dr. Breus’ advice is clutch. Wondering why you can’t fall asleep or how to stay asleep longer?

  • Cutting out bad habits
  • Expanding our minds, knowledge, and street sense

We can absorb knowledge from experts as we age.  Read more about diabetes from UCLA expert or cardiovascular risks and events from Cleveland Clinic and Time’s Most Influential Person.

This is a reminder to celebrate today.  Celebrate how far you have come.  Where you are at, at this very moment.

You’ve been exercising regularly?  Stop and acknowledge, appreciate the progress.  No great physique, career, or relationship is achieved overnight.

Everything takes work.

Celebrate the point that you’re at.

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