How to give up coffee in 3 easy steps

Are you fueled by caffeine?  Do you reach for one cup after another?

Here is a simple, fool proof method to give up coffee in just 3 steps!

If you are still feeling sluggish post-coffee, finding your morning routine mediocre, or simply wanting to make healthier decisions, you are in the right spot.

It’s likely time to evaluate if coffee is helping or hurting your health.  Let’s talk about the best ways to break the cycle of caffeine consumption.

1 – Have a mindful moment in the morning.

Have your cup of joe, and then before you get in the robotic-like behavior of reaching for another, have a glass or two of water.  Are you satisfied?  We know caffeine dehydrates the human body, in essence tricking our minds that ‘we are hungry’ or ‘we want more!’

2 – Find a healthy substitute that you enjoy.

Now, it may take time for the substitute to become your favorite go-to beverage in the morning.  When I was introduced to matcha (Beauty Matcha Latte by Kroma Wellness), I knew my coffee habit was about to get curbed.  I welcomed this change with open arms!  Not only does Kroma’s matcha reduce my caffeine intake, but it is very satisfying.  So much so, that I crave it once I open my eyes in the morning.

Remember my Kroma Wellness review?  If you need a refresher, here’s the link.

What is matcha?  What are the benefits of matcha?

“Matcha is a powdered form of Japanese green tea… with various health benefits, including an enhancing effect on cognitive function, cardio-metabolic health, and anti-tumorogenesis.”*

Recent clinical trials have indicated “that matcha decreases stress, slightly enhances attention and memory, and has no effect on mood.”*

While there are four main types of matcha, I commonly see two on the market – ceremonial grade matcha (which I buy) and culinary grade matcha.

“In Japan, matcha is a precious tea used in the traditional tea ceremony and low-grade teas are simply called powdered green teas.”** But buyers be ware, “even the cheaper teas are sold as matcha in the US.  The most expensive teas were produced in Japan, with most of these teas being labeled ceremonial-grade matcha.”**

This goes back to not all foods are created equal.  Spend extra time reviewing where a food is harvested, if it is organic or not, and ALWAYS review the ingredients and nutrition label. I promise you, as time goes on, this will be a automatic habit and very time efficient as your knowledge deepens.

Some more ideas for your morning upgrade are hot tea, unsweetened iced tea, water, or a healthy protein shake (remember to stay away from sugar-sweetened beverages: Dr. George Bray shared vital information on destructive health issues related thereto.)

3 – Stay the course.

Keep your new, healthy morning beverage makeover in place for a few weeks.  Then re-evaluate how you are feeling – mentally, digestively, and physically.

If it’s a perfect match – then great.

If it’s not – try another beverage swap!

Upon waking, through bed time, I want you to feel your best.  Our healthy eating habits need to be evaluated and adjusted time to time to align with our current state of health.


*Sokary S, Al-Asmakh M, Zakaria Z, Bawadi H. The therapeutic potential of matcha tea: A critical review on human and animal studies. Curr Res Food Sci. 2022 Nov 23;6:100396. doi: 10.1016/j.crfs.2022.11.015. PMID: 36582446; PMCID: PMC9792400.

**Horie, H., Ema, K., Nishikawa, H., & Nakamura, Y. (2018). Comparison of the chemical components of powdered green tea sold in the US. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ52(2), 143-147.


This website does not provide medical advice. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only.  Always seek the advice of a medical professional or other qualified health care provider on any health matter or question.


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