
5 things to do to make your third trimester easier

5 things to do to make your third trimester easier

I’m going to let you in on my secrets to help make the third trimester of your pregnancy easier. We are basically superheroes, but I don’t need to tell you that!   Carrying a baby, delivering a baby, and learning all the things once baby has arrived is a big,...

What I learned from pregnancy

What I learned from pregnancy

Pregnancy is a unique period of time and you can choose to live in a positive or negative frame of mind. It’s a period of growth, reflection, education, and opportunity to gain inner strength. These are the five most important things that I learned through my own...

The truth about first trimester fatigue

The truth about first trimester fatigue

Once you get a positive pregnancy test, nothing will quite prepare you for the fatigue that is about to take over your body and mind. Be aware, the level of fatigue you experience is highly individual. Johns Hopkins Medicine* is always one of my trusted sources when...

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Celebrate the “progress” stage

Celebrate the “progress” stage

We are all works in progress, don’t you think? Day in and day out we are working on: Bettering our health Have you heard about the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage? Gaining support Processing and continuing to push through tough times Qualified professionals can...

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How to fire your doctor in 3 easy steps

How to fire your doctor in 3 easy steps

I’ve fired doctors in order to improve my health. I wanted doctors who care. I wanted the best professional team in my health circle. Why have I fired doctors?  To get solutions, feel healthier and improve health conditions. Plain and simple, certain doctors I’ve had...

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Is Melatonin safe?

Is Melatonin safe?

In 2022, the melatonin market size was valued at $437.9 million.* What has caused melatonin purchases to surge? Individuals’ focus on healthy habits / diet Perceived nutritional benefits Growing rate of insomnia Advertisements Societal influence What I find most...

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What helps sciatic nerve pain?

What helps sciatic nerve pain?

As with many health-related symptoms, getting to the root of the problem is most beneficial and a great goal to have. As Dr. Mandi McCoy explains, “With sciatic pain, it is all about figuring out what exactly is causing the pain. Since the sciatic nerve consists of...

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Can medication make you dizzy?

Can medication make you dizzy?

Dizziness and vertigo series: Part 2 of 2 If you are experiencing dizziness or vertigo and you have been taking medication for another health reason, you should look into whether or not the medication is causing the dizziness. “If you Google dizziness, most...

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What is causing me to feel dizzy?

What is causing me to feel dizzy?

Dizziness and vertigo series: Part 1 of 2 Most people have experienced the feeling of dizziness at some point in their life. Whether in your childhood after spinning on the merry-go-round, being on a boat in rough water (seasickness), or perhaps when taking a new...

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Is your doctor gaslighting you?

Is your doctor gaslighting you?

Psychology Today defines gaslighting as “an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control.”* As a victim of gaslighting you “are deliberately and systematically fed false information,”* which may make you question what you know to be true (not about them,...

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Health is my #1 priority – Is it yours?

Health is my #1 priority – Is it yours?

If I told you how at one time in my life, in the span of a single month, the number of emergencies, life events, and situations that required fast action on my part, an extra dose of hope, and unconditional love and support, your head would spin. If you’ve ever felt...

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Is alcohol a friend or foe?

Is alcohol a friend or foe?

This topic can be like diving into the deep end of the pool. It can be a controversial topic, yet that’s not the reason I chose this topic. It’s because alcohol has come up unexpectedly in three separate conversations I’ve been involved in within the past 24 hours....

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Clinical trials and the FDA’s role

Clinical trials and the FDA’s role

We hear the term “clinical trials” quite regularly, but what do these entail and who decides whether these newly developed drugs make it to our pharmacies? What is a clinical trial? A clinical trial is essentially a “test drive” on real people who volunteer to...

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5 key habits of high energy people

5 key habits of high energy people

Our individual makeup is obviously highly unique. Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? If not, how have things changed on all levels: mindset, mental, emotional, and physical? The people in your tightest circle (remember those 5 people that influence you),...

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How do you rate your visual quality of life?

How do you rate your visual quality of life?

We all can measure our quality of life, but have you considered where your “visual quality of life” falls on the scale? Dr. Kathleen Digre, a distinguished neuro-ophthalmologist and former president of both the American Headache Society and the North American...

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Whose role model are you?

Whose role model are you?

Role model admiration never stops. Even as adults we watch the actions, emotions, responses of whomever we deem as our ‘role models.’  Role models can be present in our life from birth or new ones may come and go as we make our way through the seasons of life....

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How do you define ‘healthy?’

How do you define ‘healthy?’

Considering the varying definitions of the term ‘healthy’ is like an intricate spider web. I polled a handful of folks and turns out, we each define healthy differently. For me, at the end of the day, I like to learn from doctors and experts, research, and our very...

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Are you ghosting your doctor?

Are you ghosting your doctor?

Merriam-Webster defines ghosting as, “The act or practice of abruptly cutting off all contact with someone … usually without explanation, by no longer accepting or responding to phone calls, instant messages, etc.” In one way or another we’ve all been ghosted, have...

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Silence can be medicine for the busy mind

Silence can be medicine for the busy mind

I thrive in silence, yet I know many who prefer background noise. Which describes you? Or do different days dictate your downtime preferences? I’d attribute my love for silence to my upbringing. Only child, calm household, learned to self-entertain with books, toys,...

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The evolution of COPD

The evolution of COPD

COPD, formally known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is the fourth leading cause of death and a major cause of disability in the United States, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. This is a disease that deserves a look back in time as...

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Managing pain begins with inward focus

Managing pain begins with inward focus

Are you in pain? Are you okay? Pain – whether short term, chronic pain, or intermittent pain can be one of the toughest symptoms we have to manage in life. Pain can be all-consuming. Millions of people experience significant pain every day. What is the true definition...

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